Rising Sign heralds the birth of the Star Child, the only one who can protect the universe from a deadly threat. On a seemingly ordinary day in Philadelphia, an unwelcome visitor awakens Tim Dalis to a world of astrological power. As decreed by prophecy, he is one of the twelve guardians of the Child. As time ticks down to the fated birth, he has to find other guardians, locate and protect the Star Child, and avoid a powerful enemy who seeks to destroy any chance of success.
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Read an excerpt. Get your copy here.

Six years after her birth, the Star Child is ousted from her own body by a demonic creature. Keeping her wits about her, Dawn takes refuge in the body of her reluctant sibling. The fight between them launches both of them to the astral plane, a world divided into Houses, each with dangers they could not have foreseen.
In Ruling House, it is up to Dawn to keep her and her brother safe. With both the Signs and Merel looking for them, will Dawn be able to return to her body before it is too late?
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In Ruling House, it is up to Dawn to keep her and her brother safe. With both the Signs and Merel looking for them, will Dawn be able to return to her body before it is too late?
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A year after their adventures on the astral plane, Dawn, Adam, and the Signs are preparing for battle as Merel continues to gain power. A familiar friend calls Dawn and Adam away from The Gathering. Their planetary experiences reveal hidden information. The prophesies say that the Twice-Born Stag and the Lyre of Man are the keys that Dawn and Adam need. They also say that two will die before all is resolved.
So many riddles. So many secrets. All will be revealed in Returning Planet: the stunning conclusion to the Star Child Trilogy.
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So many riddles. So many secrets. All will be revealed in Returning Planet: the stunning conclusion to the Star Child Trilogy.
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In Let's Play It By Ear, Jackson Fearn has always been an exemplary student. When he's given an assignment to behave as a person with hearing loss for two weeks, he goes all out; borrowing his roommate's hearing aids and communicating only through sign language. All is going well until he meets Topher and tries dating. Despite the warnings of his friends and his attention-seeking sister, he decides to keep quiet about his hearing abilities. Secrets are okay if they're for school, right?
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Read an excerpt. Get your copy here.

The Outerlands is a wicked twist on a beloved classic. Bullied and teased mercilessly, Alexander Lewis decides that a bottle of pills is the only way to end it. He downs them all, expecting relief. Instead, he's left fighting for his life in a world reminiscent of Wonderland - but nothing is as he remembers it from the childhood tale.
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Get your copy here.